Ah, the festive season! That magical time of year when twinkling lights adorn every available surface, Mariah Carey makes her annual comeback, and people everywhere pretend they’re not on the verge of a nervous breakdown. If you’re feeling more bah humbug than fa-la-la-la-la, you’re not alone. Let’s talk about why the holidays can be as stressful as trying to assemble flat-pack furniture with no instructions and one screw missing!
Read more: ‘Tis the Season to Be Stressed: A Fun Guide to Surviving the Holidays
Ah, the Christmas holidays. A magical season filled with glitter, joy, and enough stress to make even Santa want to fake a sleigh malfunction. If you’re already feeling the festive frenzy, don’t worry, my friend—I’ve got your back. With this fun and fabulous 10-day guide, you’ll sail through the holidays like the boss you are, leaving chaos in the rearview mirror (along with all those forgotten mince pies).
Read more: Surviving the Holiday Mayhem: The 10-Day Countdown to a Blissfully Chaos-Free Christmas
Ah, menopause and brain fog—the ultimate power couple no one signed up for. It’s like your brain suddenly decided to take a gap year, leaving you to fend for yourself. One moment, you’re on top of everything; the next, you’re staring blankly into the fridge, wondering if you were looking for milk or just having a moment. And let’s not forget the pot of rice, left on the hob to morph into a starchy mess while you try to remember if you locked the front door. Spoiler: you didn’t.
Read more: Menopause, Brain Fog, and the Hormonal Men: A Hilariously Relatable Tale
Ah, December. The grand finale of the year. A time for twinkling lights, mulled wine, and — drumroll please — to the “look-what-I-achieved” posts. You know the ones. They flood your feed like clockwork, boasting about promotions, dream vacations, fitness transformations, and perfect families in matching pyjamas. It’s like a competitive sport: Achievement Olympics, sponsored by self-congratulatory hashtags.
And don’t get me wrong—I love a good success story. Who doesn’t? But let’s face it, for many of us, this year wasn’t exactly a walk in the park. In fact, if you managed to crawl, limp, or drag yourself through 2024, that’s a colossal win. So, if your biggest achievement this year was simply surviving, grab a cuppa (or something stronger), and let’s raise a toast to you.
Right, let’s get this straight. It’s nearly that time of year again—the dreaded Black Friday and the equally stressful Christmas shopping frenzy. While some folks are frothing at the mouth at the thought of snagging a bargain (or ten), I’m over here clutching my mug of tea and saying, “Hold your reindeer, people!”
Now, before I dive into this festive rant, let me answer the question I get asked all the time: “Do you celebrate Christmas?” My answer? Yes and no. Let me explain.
I don’t go to church or belt out carols in the town square (though I’d crush Jingle Bells on karaoke, just saying). For me, Christmas is less about religious rituals and more about quality time. It’s our chance to hit pause, gather around the table, and bask in the warm glow of family chaos and too much dessert.
Growing up in Nairobi (my birthplace!), the big festive showstopper wasn’t Christmas—it was Diwali. Oh, and what a spectacle it was! Diwali was the event, complete with national holidays, dazzling lights, epic feasts, and a flurry of gift-giving. It was like Christmas, but with fireworks that made New Year’s Eve look like a practice run.
Read more: Bah Humbug to Black Friday and Over-the-Top Christmas!