

Bhupi Beige Zara TopI used to be in your shoes.

I know what it’s like to be burned out, overwhelmed and stressed.

I understand what it means to be exhausted taking care of other people.

And I certainly know a thing or two about relying on takeout pizza and Netflix for energy.

I get it. Maybe you’re concerned you’re failing as a mum. As a wife or daughter, friend or sister, business owner or even team member.

Maybe you feel resentful of the ones you love.

Maybe the guilt of taking even a second for yourself is tearing you apart.

Sound familiar?

You are not ALONE!




It’s time to do things differently

You could be a martyr. You could say no and sacrifice your dreams. You could avoid rejection at all costs and play it safe. Or, you could realize your dreams. You could put in the work to heal your wounds. You could fine-tune your mindset and embark on a path of happiness.
If you are looking for an easy way out, my coaching might not be for you. The women in my community wish to break down those old habits and come out better. No one regrets doing this work – but you WILL regret not choosing to take a chance on yourself.

Live Happiliciously.

You won’t even recognise your life by the time we’re done working together.

Just imagine how great it will feel to be:

  • In LOVE with WHO You ARE – regardless of any perceived flaws, slipups or “bad” days.
  • CONFIDENT and PURPOSEFUL in naming and reaching your dreams.
  • RELAXED and GROUNDED in the choices you make, with your anxiety down and your joy UP.
  • Like you truly BELONG on this planet, with all the other incredible people.
  • Capable of going after what you want – while ATTRACTING SUCCESS pretty damn easily.

Disclaimer: This journey won’t stop you from experiencing failure and rejection. It will, however, bring peace and empowerment – because in the end, you’ll know you truly gave it your all. You’ll be floored by the wins you’ve racked up now that you’ve aligned yourself with the Universe.
And you’ll know you lived your life exactly how you wanted. That’s a feat worth celebrating.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Life Coach?

A life coach is me!

You can think of me as a kind of wellness and lifestyle professional who’s also a friend who listens to you and helps you work on all aspects of your life. I’m someone to open up to who won’t judge, criticize, or put you down.

Take a moment to actually think about how many of your relationships you’re able to open up so openly and talk about yourself and what you’re going through so fully.

Chances are you don’t, but that’s what other life coaches and I offer.

That opportunity to say your piece and find you!

Let's say you feel a bit of a gap between where you are right now in your life and the person you want to be. To get answers, you need an opportunity to be completely open and explore everything going on so you can bridge that gap.

And that’s where I come in.

It’s like picking up an instrument for the first time and wanting to learn how to play it well, with all the proper techniques and knowledge.

You could read books and watch YouTube, but a coach's help is way better long-term because they can give you unbiased, non-judgmental, and personalized feedback that will help you achieve the best results.

Why is Life Coaching So Popular

Why is life coaching so popular?

Because we’re waking the fuck up!

Hands up if you realize we live in a world where we’re told to go through the motions and do everything we’re meant to do. Get a house. Start a family. Get as high as you can on the career ladder. Get that car. Have all the

Who’s vision of success is this? Is it yours? Is iit your parents? Your friends, social circle, etc?

Sure, some of the dreams might be, but not all. Not the status quo.

More and more people around the world are waking up to the fact that following the herd is not how we’re going to become our happilicious selves.

This is why life coaching is the bomb. It’s a journey of discovering what success and happiness mean to you and then doing everything you can to fucking go for it.

It’s your life. You gotta live it your way.

Can I Change My Life Through Coaching?



That's the whole point.

There’s a reason, deep within you, that sparked a search that led you to life coaches and self-development.

What was it?

What did that urge say? What did it want?

Do you feel as though you’re stuck with nowhere to go? Are you trying to make your life better, perhaps through making a big decision, whether it’s changing up your career, leaving a toxic relationship or marriage, or working on
yourself in any way?

These literal life-changing decisions are tough, but that’s why life coaches exist. To help make sure your journey is the best it can be.

I’ve been there, and I’ve done it all myself. I want to provide the help that I couldn’t get because I know through my experience that people like you want their lives to change, but they don’t know how.

That's why I'm the happilicious coach! I want you to be your best and happiest self, and I’d say that’s the best way a life can change!

How does life coaching actually works?

On the surface, life coaching is simply a conversation.

It’s a back-and-forth via emails, phone calls, texts, video calls, and face-to-face conversations where we chat about your life and how you want to live it.

That’s pretty much it. We chat, you talk, and we have a proper, adult, and detailed conversation about your life, where you want to go, and how you’re going to get there.

You’d be amazed by how much of a difference just having a proper talk can make because, let’s face it, how often do we get to go into that much detail about our own lives in such an open and honest way?

Now, the actual life coaching bit of the journey will look a little different depending on the life coach you choose to work with.

When working with me, I’m known as the happilicious coach for a reason!

I work in a happy, bubbly, fun, high-energy way where I’m all about love, compassion, and being open to the world by breaking down the barriers that hold you back.

Some people like the tough love approach. Some people want to be pushed. Some peeps go fast, and some go slow, and that’s all okay.

It’s about finding the life coach that works in the way you want to work!

How is life coaching different from counseling or therapy?

Simply enough, traditional counseling and therapy focus on your past. It looks into your past experiences, history, and so on and explores how everything that happened back then (usually in your childhood) has made you into the person you are today.

Life coaching focuses on the present.

Hey, I don’t deny that the past has a BIG impact on who you are today. It’s a big part of it, especially if you have traumatic experiences there.

But, as all life coaches will tell you, the way your life is set up now affects, well, your life now!

How you spend your time, the decisions you make, the people you hang out with, and everything else acts as the ingredients that make the cake of your life.

Interesting metaphor, but we’ll go with it.

If you don’t like the flavor of the cake you’re making, you need to switch up the ingredients and how you put them together, and that’s what life coaching is all about!

Good cake!

I mean, creating your best life!

Who is life coaching good for?

Literally anybody. And everybody!

If you want to make and eat a good cake, wait, no.

If you want to create a life that you’re happy to wake up to, proud of, and excited to start each day, life coaching is for you.

If you’re struggling with a certain aspect of your life, no matter how big or small it is, whether it’s a sleeping pattern, a toxic relationship or you’re just feeling stuck and unsure what move to make next, then life coaching is


Why do successful people hire life coaches?

An interesting question.

One I remember not being able to wrap my head around for years, until one day, I realized in a blinding clarity.

No matter where you’re at in life or what you’re doing, you are still growing.

You’re always growing.

There’s always something to work on, something you want to improve, and as your life changes, so do you, so there’s always room to learn new things.

Say you get very ‘successful’ in your career and earn lots of money. That’s great, and what a journey you’ve been on. However, now that you have more money, you might fall into the trap of getting your happiness from buying lots of material things.

So even though you’re now ‘successful,’ you just have a new way of living to learn how to be happy in.

Long story short, you’re constantly growing and flowing, no matter who you are or where you’re at in life!

Why can't I reach my goals on my own?

We're all taught that to get anywhere in life and to be truly happy; we have to work for it.

You’ve gotta work hard on your goals and succeed through your own sheer will.

Fuck, it’s crazy to think about, but we're taught if you’re not living the life you want, then you haven't worked hard enough for it and, therefore, you need to do better.

Shut up society; this is just not true.

Instead, living life is like climbing a mountain.

You can see the summit and where you want to be, and you might even be able to see a path. However, as you start to climb, rocks will fall, and some parts of the trail that looked easy are actually quite steep, and you need to find another way around.

Sometimes it's sunny, and other times a storm brews, and you need to stop and find shelter.
While possible to do all of this on your own, it’s always going to be better with the support, love, and kindness from others.

And simply enough, life is not about being alone.

It's about sharing this beautiful journey with the people you love, so when you get to the summit, you can smile at one another and enjoy the view.

And at the end of the day, no Olympic athlete has ever reached that height without the help of their coach.

Your life should be no different!

What happens during a life coaching session?

On the surface, we sit and have a chat about your life.

We talk about what’s going on and where you’re at, where you want to go, and how you’re going to get there, but, of course, it’s so much more than that.

We’ll deep dive and identify the problems, challenges, and obstacles you keep coming up against that stop you from being where you want to be.

Then we’ll break those barriers down to the ground, pound them into dust, and like a phoenix, rise you up from the ashes bigger and more beautiful than ever!

I got shivers just thinking about it.

The best thing about life coaching is the fact that it’s just about one single session.

It’s a journey where each meeting builds on the last.

Perhaps you'll go down the route of addressing obstacles or building new habits and routines. You might work on changing up your social circles, learning new skills and techniques, or working on your career or relationships.

Each session will look at the actions you've taken since the last, the achievements you've made, the areas where you fell a little short, and where there's room for improvement.

Of course, I absolutely make sure this whole process happens in a caring, calming, and non-judgmental way.

We're all human, and there will be a few ups and downs, but that’s nothing to worry about. We’ve got each other, and we’ll get to where we want to be.

What’s life without a few tears anyway?

Where do the coaching sessions take place?

Zoom calls. Coffee shops. Walks in the park. Even a WhatsApp thread.

Since I coach people all over the world, we can work in a way that best suits you, the way you want to do things, and your schedule!

Is online coaching that good?

I love it, and I know my clients do too!

Of course, there are benefits to coaching face-to-face, but it’s also not for everyone. Again, this is your life coaching, so it’s all about finding out what works best for your beautiful self!

It's not for everyone, but for those of us that it works best for, it's a blessing.

Online coaching brings about a whole range of benefits, including;

You can book a session for whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you are in the world!

If you're busy, traveling, or running on a crazy schedule, online coaching is quick to book when you have time.

You can work in online programs how you like. You can work anonymously, with a partner or friend, in an online forum of like-minded people, or directly with me at any time via calls, video chat, or text!

  • Online coaching is also much more affordable than traditional coaching, so if you're on a budget, this could be the best option for you!


How long is a coaching session?

My sessions last anywhere between 45-60 minutes and can take place weekly, although fortnightly and monthly sessions, whatever works best for you.

Again, your coaching sessions are for you, so it's all about going with the process that works with your best interests in mind!

Quick note, if you're a part of my 'I am Happlicious' program, fortnightly sessions work best because it takes around two weeks to work at each step of the program!

How much does life coaching cost?

Oh, yes, the money side of things.

Life coaching fees vary depending on your session type, whether you're a part of any program, and your budget!

Remember, this is an investment in yourself and your life, and it's not like you're just buying a new television or smartphone. This is for real change!

Take a look at my pricing or course pages to find the most up-to-date prices for each, or if you're looking for 1-2-1 coaching or have a custom plan in mind, then reach out to me, and I'll be more than happy to help!

Do you have any free courses?

Not right now, but watch this space.

As much as I would love to be able to give out these courses for free, the amount of time and effort it takes to make one of these courses, what with making all the content, planning, related client sessions, and providing support along the way, it's simply not sustainable!

Bhupi gotta eat!

However, I have spent a lot of time and care making sure these courses are priced reasonably, and as consciously as possible, so they’re as accessible as possible!

But I understand that money gets tight, so if you're looking for free content, be sure to come and hang with me on social media, where I regularly share tips and free content all the time that can benefit many areas of your life.

I'm on Facebook and Instagram, so I look forward to seeing you there!

Is life coaching confidential?

Absolutely. 100%.

As before, think of me as your professional friend or bestie. What we talk about stays between us, and nobody else will ever hear a word of it. Guaranteed.

How long must I commit to life coaching?

Everybody's journey is unique to them, so it's however long you want.

However, the average length will sit between three months and a year for the most benefit. Remember, we've got to get to know each other and grow together, and this takes a little time, but the time needed will depend on your individual circumstances!

Can I cancel my life coaching at any time?

Absolutely, you can choose to stop working with me at any time, although it's helpful to give me a week's notice so

I can prep a final session that focuses on review and closure.

But, if you don't want that, that decision is up to you, and you're more than welcome to it!

Whatever you need, I’m here to help! :)


Is coaching covered by medical insurance or related policies?

No, life coaching is not covered by medical insurance. Working with a coach should be viewed as a music or sports coach, not as a medical or psychological process!


Who Am I

Bhupi 50th

I used to be in your shoes.

Hi, I'm Bhupi Panesar.

I'm a confident leader. I'm spiritually healthy, and I'm happy to be living the life I lead That's right: I went from feeling ugly, embarrassed, and sad, to waking up glad to be Bhupi.

I went from living on Unemployment Benefit to commanding an hourly rate I know I deserve knowing the value of my expertise and being paid to do what I absolutely love.

This transformation didn't happen from anywhere. I hit rock bottom when I wanted to take my own life but I managed to climb out using the same strategies I share as a coach in my "Happilicious" program. All the courses I have created have been the foundation of how I got to be where I am now.

Today I want nothing more than to help and support women just like you.

How does that sound?

I heard the words "Sounds Amazing, Wonderful, I want to live my Life on My Terms!"

Now, that we have cleared that up, let's go and choose the right course to get you started.

Every month, I will be adding something new so that you and I can make the progress that you DESERVE!

About Bhupi

I used to do what I thought was expected of me. I felt sefish wanting to reach my dreams - Just be happy and content with what I had instead of whining and complaining.

I knew this was absolute nonsense and menopause helped me realize it. Let me help you achieve greatness. I teach you the same techniques in my "I am Happilicious" program I used for becoming absolutely fabulous!

Love Spreading Happiliciousness

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