If You Recharge Your Phone, Why Not Your Mind?

Let’s be honest. When was the last time you actually let your phone die? I mean, fully, completely dead, the sort of dead where you press the button, and it gives you that tragic little blank screen, silently judging you for your negligence. Never, right? It’s practically a universal sin in today’s world to let your phone battery run to 0%.


And what about that shiny smartwatch? The one that’s always tapping you on the wrist to remind you of your step count, how long you've been sitting, and your resting heart rate? Imagine, for a second, letting it run out of juice. Oh, the HORROR!


Yet, we’re all guilty of something worse. Much worse. We let the most important gadget we own – no, not the phone – the mind, run on empty. That’s right, we’re so caught up in keeping our devices charged and buzzing that we forget to give the same TLC to our mental and emotional batteries. And here’s the kicker: unlike your phone, you can't just pop into the nearest café, plug in for an hour, and poof, you're at 100%. It takes real effort. But, my dear friends, it’s worth every second.

The Tale of Two Batteries

Picture this: you’ve just woken up to the sweet (or annoying) chime of your alarm. You grab your phone to check social media, emails, and of course, the all-important battery percentage. 86%. Phew. We’re good. Then you strap on your smartwatch and double-check: battery’s solid, notifications are buzzing. You’re ready for the day.


Now, how many of you do the same mental check-up? Any of you? Bueller? No? Thought so.


See, the brain’s like that sneaky little app that’s always running in the background, quietly draining your energy. You’re going about your day, handling work, family, friends, and your never-ending list of to-dos, all while your brain’s battery is slowly ticking down from its okay to recharge IN100%... to 75%... to 50%... and, before you know it, you're running on fumes. A couple of sleepless nights, missed meals, too much stress, and bam – mental exhaustion hits.

Running on Empty? No, Thank You!

But don’t fret, I’ve got your back. This week, instead of obsessively hovering over your phone charger, how about you take a moment to recharge your mind? Yes, that glorious, overworked, unsung hero sitting inside your skull deserves a bit of pampering.


Think about it: we’d never dream of leaving the house with a half-charged phone (perish the thought!). Yet, when it comes to our minds, we’re like, “Eh, I’ll deal with it later.” Later turns into never, and suddenly you’re stuck in a perpetual loop of fatigue, burnout, and that “ugh” feeling you just can’t shake. Well, that’s no way to live!


This October, make it a mission to charge your mind like you charge your phone – religiously, consistently, and with the understanding that if you don’t, things will grind to a slow, miserable halt. Because, spoiler alert: your brain doesn’t function well on low battery mode.

October: The Month of Gratitude and Self-Care

Speaking of October, here we are, smack dab in the season of pumpkins, scarves, and an absurd amount of gratitude. This is the time of year when we’re all about being thankful. Thankful for family, thankful for friends, thankful for the fact that pumpkin spice is back (don't deny it, we all love it).


But let me drop a little truth bomb for you. While it’s all well and good to be grateful for the people and things in your life, have you ever stopped to be grateful for yourself? Yes, YOU, with the messy hair and the mental to-do list that could rival War and Peace. When was the last time you gave yourself a bit of credit for just keeping it all together? I mean, really – you’re doing fab, and you should acknowledge it.


Your body, your mind, your soul – they’re the real Most Valuable Player MVP) here. We often get so wrapped up in taking care of others that we forget to give ourselves the same attention. But your glass can’t pour into others if it’s half-empty. Heck, it can’t pour if it’s completely dry! So, if you’re walking around with your metaphorical battery at 10%, it’s time for a serious intervention.

Gratitude Starts With You

Here’s a little exercise to get you started: write down three things you’re grateful for about yourself. And no, “I made it through today without crying” does not count (even though, let’s be real, that’s sometimes a victory).


Be grateful for your resilience, for your ability to laugh even when things are falling apart, for your dedication to showing up day after day. Be grateful that you have a body and mind that keep you going, even when you’re tempted to just crawl under the duvet and binge-watch Netflix forever. Your mind is a marvel, your body is a wonder, and they both deserve a standing ovation.

Love Yourself

Self-love isn’t just about bubble baths and face masks (though I’m not knocking either – they’re simply fabulous). It’s about truly investing in your mental health, your emotional well-being, and your overall happiness. And sometimes that means unplugging, stepping back, and giving yourself the chance to breathe.


  • What’s the point of working yourself to the bone if you’re too tired to enjoy the fruits of your labour?
  • What’s the point of being there for everyone else if you’re not fully there for yourself?


It’s time to stop treating your mental health like an afterthought. Recharge it, love it, cherish it – the way you would your most prized possession. (And no, I don’t mean your phone this time.)

The Joy of a Full Battery

Here’s the magic: when your mental battery is fully charged, life feels… better. The colours are brighter, the air is crisper, and even the most mundane tasks don’t feel quite as unbearable. You’re sharper, more focused, more you. And that’s the version of yourself that the world deserves – the one running on a full battery, not just scraping by on low-power mode.

Simple Ways to Recharge Your Batteries

Now, before you start panic-Googling "ways to recharge my mind," I’ve got you covered. Let’s break it down with some easy, effective ways to recharge those mental batteries.

5 mins mental health check FBTake a Walk in Nature

When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? (Or the autumn leaves, depending on your locale.) Take a walk in a park, a forest, or just a quiet street where you can hear the crunch of leaves beneath your feet. Nature has an almost magical ability to ground us and refill our mental cup.


Yes, you read that right. Gasp. Unplug from your devices. I promise Instagram will still be there when you get back. Turn off your phone for an hour or two, let the notifications pile up, and give yourself permission to just exist without the constant barrage of information.

Meditation & Mindfulness

5 mins of meditation is 0.35% of your day.

Even a five-minute meditation can work wonders for your mind. Focus on your breath, let your thoughts come and go without judgement, and just be. It’s like hitting the reset button for your brain. Apps like Headspace or Calm can help get you started if you're not sure where to begin.


Sometimes, the best way to clear your mind is to put it all on paper. Journaling is like therapy without the awkward silences. Write down what’s stressing you out, what’s inspiring you, what you’re dreaming about. It’s cathartic, and you’ll often find clarity just by getting it out of your head.

Move Your Body

Whether it’s yoga, a dance-off in your living room, or a quick run around the block, moving your body helps release all that pent-up energy and stress. Bonus points if you’re moving to a fabulous playlist. (I personally recommend a bit of 80s pop. Never fails.)

Have a Laugh

Laughter really is the best medicine. Watch your favourite comedy, call up that friend who always has the best stories, or scroll through a few memes. A good laugh can instantly lift your spirits and recharge those mental batteries faster than you’d think.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Sounds simple, but let’s face it, we’re all guilty of sacrificing sleep for a late-night Netflix binge. Try to prioritise getting a solid 7-8 hours of sleep. Your brain will thank you for it.


So, this October, take a page from your phone’s book. Prioritise your mental health. Plug into self-care, disconnect from the stress, and recharge like it’s the most important thing in the world. Because it is.


Trust me, my sweets, once you’ve experienced the joy of a fully charged mind, you’ll never go back to living on empty.


Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a date with a cup of chai and a good book. Time to recharge. Cheers!

About Bhupi

I used to do what I thought was expected of me. I felt sefish wanting to reach my dreams - Just be happy and content with what I had instead of whining and complaining.

I knew this was absolute nonsense and menopause helped me realize it. Let me help you achieve greatness. I teach you the same techniques in my "I am Happilicious" program I used for becoming absolutely fabulous!

Love Spreading Happiliciousness

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